Attention Gun Owners: "You DON'T Have to Be a Criminal to Get Thrown In Jail"
See Where You’re Exposed and How to Protect Yourself And Your Family

Protection only in your state of residence
Uncapped payment (attorney fees) for defense of criminal cases
Uncapped payment (attorney fees) for defense of civil cases
Protection extends to all legal weapons
Defense of Extreme Risk-Protection orders (Red Flag Laws)
Access to 24/7 emergency attorney-answered hotline
Expungement of criminal record on
non-conviction incidents
Access to advanced Ready Network video training series
Exclusive 25% discounts on ALL Our sites
Enrolled in USA Perks program
Automatically entered to win all giveaways
Protection in all 50 states
+ All the benefits of individual Basic
Payment of bail bond premium (up to $250,000)
Payment of expert witness fees
Payment of private investigator fees
Coordination of counseling support
Payment of lost wages during trial
Incident scene clean-up provided
Payment for incident-related firearm confiscation
Protection in all 50 states
+ All the benefits of Individual Premium
Benefits for spouse
Benefits for all minor children*
*age 17 and younger. Certain limitations may apply

Hey there I’m Adam Lantelme, the founder of VNSH.

I’ve got a really important message for you if you own a firearm and have ever considered using it for self defense.

Doesn’t matter if you conceal carry or not, what I’m about to show you affects you and the people you love

Sadly, even if you ever use your gun for self defense and do everything right when the time comes to deploy your weapon to stay alive…

Your life may still be in serious danger..

This Shocking Thing Happens to
Law-Abiding Gun Owners All The Time

Here’s what I mean.

As unfair as it may seem…

If you end up shooting someone in defense of yourself or another, even if you were fully justified…

The state will force you to appear in court to prove you were the good guy… plus you’ll face the very real possibility of a civil suit from the family of whoever you shot.

And the cost of proving your innocence can be devastating.

The average amount someone pays to clear their name after a self-defense shooting is $40,000, but it can easily reach into the 100’s of thousands.

I don’t know about you, but if I was hit with a $40,000 bill I’d be wiped out!

Just like Stephen Maddox was.

The Mistake This Gun Owner Made Ended Cost Him a Fortune - And Almost Sent Him to Prison For Life!

While it’s hard to say for sure, there’s a good chance that at some point in the past Stephen came across a program like the one I’m about to show you… that he decided NOT to get.

Back in 2015, Stephen found himself in a situation where his life was at risk.

Acting in self-defense, he used his firearm to escape.

After the shooting Stephen expected that since he’d used his gun in a justified act of self defense he’d go home to his family.

Yet he was handcuffed and put into a squad car and dragged off to the police station.

When he arrived at the police station...and with a witness telling the police exactly what happened…

Stephen wasn’t released…

He was charged with first-degree murder!

The police locked him up and threw him into jail with the most violent criminals...

Stephen was a patriotic American who used his gun for the right reason... He was trained and ready. He did everything by the book.

Yet here he was, locked up with real criminals for a crime he didn't commit!

Despite being found not guilty in the end, he still had to fight for his life in a years-long legal battle, which cost upwards of $300,000.

Do You Think I’m Trying To Scare You Into Giving Your Guns When I Tell You This?

Sadly, stories like his are not uncommon.

Now I’m not trying to scare you into not carrying.

In fact, the opposite is true.

Because I’m about to show you something that lets you deploy your weapon in a life-threatening situation with zero fear that the legal aftermath will bleed you dry.

It’s called The Ready Network.

Had Stephen had The Ready Network not only would he not have gone to jail, he wouldn’t have had to pay a dime for his legal bills

Can you imagine the stress and financial burden Stephen had to endure just to prove his innocence?

Now imagine that happened to you?

The good news is if you take action today and take advantage of the coverage offered by the Ready Network you’ll never have to worry about experiencing the BS Stephen Maddox had to go through.

The Ready Network is something I created to protect VNSH customers (as well as anyone else who carries) from the potentially life-ruining cost of defending yourself after a self-defense shooting.

When you join the Ready Network, you’ll be given access to a program that covers ALL of your legal fees in case you use a gun – or any other legal means of force – to defend yourself or another person.

The Ready Network Pays For You To Defend Yourself
Here’s How It Works

Because you may not always have your gun with you… But your hands and feet follow you everywhere that you go… you need to be protected no matter what you have to use to stay safe..

The Ready Network does that - kind of in the same way insurance pays for accidents that happen to you.

But this isn’t insurance.

It’s WAY better.

The Ready Network Legal Defense Fund - powered by Firearms Legal Protection (FLP) - creates a war chest of prepaid legal funds to use if you ever need them.

So you PAY NOTHING for the cost to defend yourself in a criminal or civil court.

We’re talking unlimited funds paid directly to your defense, no matter how many times you go to trial… along with a host of other benefits like bail bond protection, counseling support, and 24/7 immediate access to an attorney (just to name 3).

The Ready Network Legal Defense Fund - powered by Firearms Legal Protection - is the best way to prevent your worst day ever from becoming your worst nightmare for life. It’s the protection we hope we never have to use, and the peace of mind we all want.

Unlike other legal defense services that try and fight claims to protect their bottom line.

This pot of money is yours if you ever need it, no question asked.

And that’s a big deal because some people have spent more than $500,000 to defend themselves after a justified shooting.

Imagine how insane it would be to use your gun to save a life and then be forced to pay half a million dollars to NOT go to jail!

That’d be nuts, right?

Of course.

Fortunately, if you join The Ready Network today, you’ll never have to worry about that EVER happening to you.

The peace of mind that you’ll have with The Ready Network is something you can’t really put a price on.

And is reason enough to sign up today.

The Thing a Navy Seal Did For The
Ready Network Could Save Your Life

After all, you’re committed to defending yourself with a gun… why wouldn’t you protect yourself from the aftermath of being forced to use it too?

Chad wasn’t just a SEAL, he led the training for all the East Coast SEALs for several years and that’s why Chad would charge you $1,500 to be personally taught by him for an 8-hour session.

But I want to make sure you love The Ready Network.

Which is why you need to know it doesn’t just cover you for self-defense legal expenses…

Let me explain.

Your decision to trust VNSH products is a BIG deal.

That’s because owning and carrying a gun is a BIG responsibility.

And being able to actually use a gun well can be the difference between life and death.

Which is why we’ve built the Ready Network to help make you more deadly, and more prepared.

In addition to your prepaid legal protection, we’re also going to help you become a better shot and far more comfortable with ALL of your guns.

We do that by giving you exclusive and entirely custom training from Navy SEAL Chad Metcalf.

I think you and I can both agree that Navy SEALs are the best of the best.

While $1,500 is a lot of money… it’s a steal when you consider the U.S. NAVY spent millions upon millions turning Chad into the most elite warrior on the planet.

And that’s why Chad would charge you $1,500 to be personally taught by him for an 8-hour session.

But instead of paying $1,500… you get access to Chad’s training bundled right into your Ready Network membership.

In fact, as soon as you join we’ll email you the course I made with him. Once you complete it, you’ll get a Free gift from me as a way of saying “thanks.”

Custom Firearms Instruction From Who?

On top of what you get from Chad you’ll also be getting hours worth of instruction from Yonty Uruttia as part of your membership.

Yonty’s a veteran of the US-Army, a former Private investigator, former police officer and former paramedic and currently a full-time firearms instructor in the state of Oregon where he’s helped train thousands of classes.

His training acumen is so good that even top companies in the firearms industry hire him for in-person training.

Yonty also charges hundreds of dollars for a day of his time.

But you’ll get access to his knowledge as well as tons of additional world-class content for FREE when you activate your membership today.

Yonty along with our other contributors update the member area every few days to ensure members are getting the best and most useful information on the planet.

This content cannot be found anywhere else (except in their in-person classes) and they’re guaranteed to help make you incredibly comfortable and accurate with your gun…Even better is Ready Network members don’t just get these exclusive training videos related to firearms and firearm handling.

You also get an entire library of all things related to preparedness.

These Secrets?
Not Available Anywhere Else

The world we live in is chaotic, inching ever closer to WW3, or economic and societal collapse.

And sadly the vast majority of Americans don’t have a plan in place for when SHTF.

You probably don’t. And even if you do, you know it could be better.

Remember, your job isn’t just being protector and being reactive when the unthinkable happens but proactively preparing as well.

Thankfully the Ready Network is full of simple, easy-to-understand information you can use to build a bulletproof survival plan.

As an example...

If the power goes out, your fridge could still be working, thanks to the fact that we have content that shows you how to easily build a backup power system for pennies on the dollar.

Or if you get stranded in a winter storm, you won’t freeze to death thanks to the guide we have on winter survival.

And if God forbid, you ever need to leave your home and "bug out," you'll know exactly where to go, what to take, and how to survive -- for as long as you need to.

Best of all, it makes it all as easy as tying your shoes…

We have a complete library of information for prepping and firearms that you can access at any time.

And here’s the best part, we even have survival experts on staff who can help answer questions for you in case you’re ever confused about how to do something we recommend.

You’d spend hundreds of hours compiling the information we give you and thousands of dollars, but when you join the Ready Network… it’s all right there at your fingertips.

But the benefits of the Ready Network don’t stop there.

Here Are Some Extra Cool Benefits
That Come With Ready Network Coverage

The main reason I made the Ready Network was to give you coverage for the distinct possibility that you’d go bankrupt paying lawyers to keep you out of jail.

But, I don’t want the Ready Network to come without added benefits.

Because even though you’d be crazy to expose yourself to the possibility of going broke defending yourself…

The only reason you’re seeing this is because you’ve bought products from us here at VNSH and will probably buy again.

So that’s why I made it so anyone who’s a Ready Network member automatically gets discounts and member-only pricing to everything on our website.

And not just to VNSH products either.

My partners and I own several brands and Ready Network members get DEEP discounts to all of those stores too.

And one more awesome perk you get access to is a partnership we have called the United Savings Association powered by Abenity.

Normally For Our Employees
You Get Access to This Discount Program Also

This perks program is something we offer to our employees and would cost you $300 a year if you wanted to join on your own, but it’s part of TRN automatically.

It’s one of the largest online discount programs in America and can help you save 10-15% on your grocery bill, gets you exclusive discounts on restaurants, name brand appliances, and more.

Here’s an example of many of the brands that partner with the United Savings Association.

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With the The Ready Network and its included perks program you will get

  • Discounts at your local grocery store
  • Savings on car rentals
  • 15% off any hotel booking - for life…
  • Premium health-related benefits
  • EXTRA Savings at Amazon
  • Discounted tickets to the MLB, NFL, NBA

And much more…

Beyond protecting you TRN actually helps put money in your pocket.

Plus you’ll get early access to all of the new and limited-time offers.

Say that we come out with a new dry-fire training system… Or Modern Needs comes out with an awesome solar-powered generator…Or Pain Safari comes up with a cool stun gun taser.

You’ll be the first to know about it and you’ll get exclusive savings on the products as well.

And TRN members are automatically entered to win any of the contests we run through our brands.

Would You Like To Win This??

We’ve already given away a $100,000 Jeep Gladiator and a custom Chevy Rocky Ridge along with $25k in gold.

As a member of The Ready Network you are automatically entered to win ANY giveaway we have going on.

Gun, Truck, Side-by-side, it doesn’t matter…

TRN members get entered without having to do anything…

And for any giveaway where we’re offering bonus entries, you’ll get the maximum number of entries allowed.

So far everyone who’s won any of our giveaways had the maximum number of entries, so this greatly increases your odds of winning anything we giveaway.

With monthly giveaways of things like guns and ammo, and frequent BIG TIME sweepstakes - along with random giveaways of gear, this added perk is a HUGE benefit for Ready Network Members.

We do this because we want you to love being a member.

Now that you’ve seen everything The Ready Network has to offer it’s time to decide which option works best for you.

We offer three different Tiers of the Ready Network.

Which Option Works Best For You?

Tier 1 gives 1 person, that being you, everything I’ve told you about. That’s complete protection and all the perks, in your home state of residence.

Meaning that if you have to defend yourself within your state’s boundaries you’ll be covered.

Tier 2 gives you everything Tier 1 offers AND protection in all 50 states, so you’re free to travel all across the country without fear.

And the biggest and baddest of all is Tier 3…

…which covers your entire household by The Ready Network in all 50 states.

Protection only in your state of residence
Uncapped payment (attorney fees) for defense of criminal cases
Uncapped payment (attorney fees) for defense of civil cases
Protection extends to all legal weapons
Defense of Extreme Risk-Protection orders (Red Flag Laws)
Access to 24/7 emergency attorney-answered hotline
Expungement of criminal record on
non-conviction incidents
Access to advanced Ready Network video training series
Exclusive 25% discounts on ALL Our sites
Enrolled in USA Perks program
Automatically entered to win all giveaways
Protection in all 50 states
+ All the benefits of individual Basic
Payment of bail bond premium (up to $250,000)
Payment of expert witness fees
Payment of private investigator fees
Coordination of counseling support
Payment of lost wages during trial
Incident scene clean-up provided
Payment for incident-related firearm confiscation
Protection in all 50 states
+ All the benefits of Individual Premium
Benefits for spouse
Benefits for all minor children*
*age 17 and younger. Certain limitations may apply

PLUS, There Is No Contract with The Ready Network.

Stay as long as you’d like or cancel tomorrow, we’re not going to keep you locked into a membership you decide isn’t a good fit for you.

Cancelling is easy, too.

You can cancel directly from your membership portal or via our customer support line and an agent will close down your membership on the spot.

I hope you see the value in the Ready Network, and if you do I’d invite you to join today.

If you join now, I’ll even give you $25 in Free Ammo as a way to say thanks!

Don’t wait, protect yourself, protect your family and confidently carry wherever you go!

Simply pick the tier you want and your coverage will begin automatically.

Imagine having the peace of mind knowing you're prepared for anything life throws your way with a community and resources dedicated to equipping you for the unexpected.

The Ready Network offers not just protection, but empowerment—allowing you to go about your day with confidence and assurance.

Why hesitate, when there’s nothing tying you down?

No contract…

Endless discounts on products you know and trust…

Training and information from the best-of-the-best

And so much more.

Join now risk-free!

Protection only in your state of residence
Uncapped payment (attorney fees) for defense of criminal cases
Uncapped payment (attorney fees) for defense of civil cases
Protection extends to all legal weapons
Defense of Extreme Risk-Protection orders (Red Flag Laws)
Access to 24/7 emergency attorney-answered hotline
Expungement of criminal record on
non-conviction incidents
Access to advanced Ready Network video training series
Exclusive 25% discounts on ALL Our sites
Enrolled in USA Perks program
Automatically entered to win all giveaways
Protection in all 50 states
+ All the benefits of individual Basic
Payment of bail bond premium (up to $250,000)
Payment of expert witness fees
Payment of private investigator fees
Coordination of counseling support
Payment of lost wages during trial
Incident scene clean-up provided
Payment for incident-related firearm confiscation
Protection in all 50 states
+ All the benefits of Individual Premium
Benefits for spouse
Benefits for all minor children*
*age 17 and younger. Certain limitations may apply

* Not available in every state. To see if you’re covered, click here.


Good news! Firearms Legal Protection has grown significantly and is now available in most of the country! Firearms Legal Protection Memberships/Policies are now offered in every state, except:

  • Alaska
  • Hawaii
  • Massachusetts
  • New Jersey
  • New York
  • Oregon

In some states (shown below in yellow) Firearms Legal Protection is regulated as an insurance product and adheres to the regulations of those states. Retail (term/activation) memberships cannot be activated by residents of these states. In most insurance states, discounted rates of Firearms Legal Protection policies are based on the completion of a licensing or state-approved safety course within 12 months of the application date.

In most states, (shown below in blue) Firearms Legal Protection is a prepaid legal service, not regulated as insurance. Retail (term/activation) memberships CAN be activated by residents of these states. In these states, Firearms Legal Protection memberships may be sold at a special discounted rate through authorized dealers.

In a few states (shown below in red) Firearms Legal protection is not currently available. This is generally because of the insurance regulations of these states. Some of these states will likely be available in the future, but we cannot confirm that date. Retail (term/activation) memberships cannot be activated by residents of these states.

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Availability by State, as of April 2023

laser strike
laser strike
laser strike